Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Multidisciplinary artist exploring graphics, sculpture, and photography

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Antonia Banitska is an artist from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, working in graphics, sculpture, and photography. With a background in both architecture and fine arts, she continuously expands the scope of her practice. Through experimentation with materials, techniques, and their interplay, she explores themes of fragility, sensitivity, vulnerability, and human authenticity amidst the ongoing full-scale war in Ukraine.

Antonia Banitska is an artist from Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, working in graphics, sculpture, and photography. With a background in both architecture and fine arts, she continuously expands the scope of her practice.

Through experimentation with materials, techniques, and their interplay, she explores themes of fragility, sensitivity, vulnerability, and human authenticity amidst the ongoing full-scale war in Ukraine.



No project of Antonia begins without experimentation. She always selects the medium based on the idea, even if it requires mastering a new skill or delving into an unfamiliar field.

Exploration, trials, changes, technique acquisition, and studying the interaction of various materials form the foundation of her approach to the physical embodiment of expression. Some experiments turn out unsuccessful, others inspire further searches, and some may become independent works or parts of something greater in the future.

© Antonia Banitska